Support Groups
Homeschoolers have created networks of support to provide a way to make friends, get ideas and information, and to offer positive socialization opportunties to their children. You can join in! There are many groups to choose from, many with specific affiliations, like Christian groups or unschoolers' groups. Some are eclectic, inclusive, and open to anyone. Whatever your interest, you are sure to find other like-minded parents. And if you don't find what you are looking for, we've put together tips for starting your own group.
Local & State Groups
Support groups offer a way for those interested in homeschooling or new to home education to get information and support. They also offer opportunities for social activities, group learning, and networking. Find a support group near you in Washington.
National Groups
Tap into the national homeschool movement by connecting with these national homeschool groups and support organizations.
Social Media
Connect with other homeschooling using social networking tools. You can share tips and ideas, get support, collaborate on lesson plans, upload photos, and much more.
A co-op offers a way to share teaching duties with others who are excited and knowledgeable about a subject. It also offers an opportunity for your children to learn in a group and to make friends. Browse through this list of co-ops in Washington.
Umbrella/Cover Schools
An umbrella or cover school provides an alternative way for parents to fulfill governmental educational guidelines and requirements. Most offer a variety of services, which can include curricula, social activities, field trips, standardized testing, portfolio reviews, evaluations, and graduation materials, including diplomas. While umbrella schools do tend to the needs of homeschoolers, they are considered a type of private school in most states.
Resource Centers
Homeschool resource centers offer classes, materials, field trips, and other activities for parents and children alike. They are great ways to get new information, engage in group activities, and network with other homeschoolers.
Public School Programs
Public schools are increasing offering programs to appeal to homeschooling families, from classes to educational materials to computer and distance learning. In most cases, students enrolled in these programs are considered public school students rather than homeschoolers. Learn more about these programs and decide if these are right for your family.
Group Management
Learn how to start and manage a homeschool support group, including how to stay organized, how to handle conflict, and ideas for your support group.
What's Popular
Special Homeschoolers of WA (SpecialHSofWA)
Email support group for all families living in Washington state who are homeschooling special needs children or are considering it.
This list is for homeschooling families in Lewis and Thurston counties in Washington state. This is not specifically a Christian list.
WHO for Homeschooling
The Washington Homeschool Organization (WHO) is the state organization for homeschoolers, families operating under the Home-Based Instruction Law. The purpose of this list is to inform and alert. Members are kept abreast of developments, both in the legislature and in the public school system, that affect homeschooling in this state.
Western Region Unschoolers
The Western Region Unschoolers is a group for unschoolers who live in the Western U.S. covering: Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and California. This is a forum to announce and organize conferences, travel, camping, and other places to get together.
Clark County Homeschoolers is an e-mail list to encourage networking and support for Homeschooling families in the Clark County, Washington area. All religions and spiritual paths are welcome. All homeschooling educational styles are welcome.
Home School Harmony
Home School Harmony is a group of home school families that have come together with all our talents,
knowledge and resources to provide an environment of encouragement and support
for one another. They are located in Washington State in Cowlitz county. The areas closest to them are Castle Rock,
Longview, Kelso, Kalama, Toutle, Winlock and Lexington.
Kent Mountain View Academy
Kent Mountain View Academy was established in the fall of 1997 for the purpose of providing home school families with options to support their decision to home school their children. Approximately 80% of the students in the Choice program come from a home schooling background. The school is a unique relationship between the Kent School District, students, and parents. In this environment, the students remain closely connected to their parents. Parents are encouraged to volunteer a minimum of 10...
Yakima Homeschool Network
The Yakima Homeschool Network connects homeschooling families throughout the Yakima Valley.
This group is intended to support LDS homeschoolers in the state of Washington. This is a group of Latter-Day Saint family educators and offers support, sharing of ideas and learning together opportunities.
Washington Secular Home Schoolers
This is a list for Washington state secular home schoolers, parents who have decided to homeschool for non-religious reasons.
Life Education Activity Resource Network (LEARN)
LEARN is an inclusive non-profit homeschool support group in the South Puget Sound region of Washington State. While most LEARN members live in Thurston County, they also have members in Pierce, Mason, Grays Harbor, and Lewis Counties. Its purpose is to offer member families quality opportunities to augment their own educational efforts on a cooperative basis. LEARN offers field trips, a newsletter, shared (co-op) activities, mom's meetings, used curriculum sales, and more.
Washington Natural Learning Association (WNLA)
Washington Natural Learning Association works to ensure the right to home-educate our children without cumbersome regulation. They also help families with questions and problems that may occur when home-educating.
Whatcom Homeschool
Email list for homeschooling families of Whatcom County, State of Washington, to exchange ideas, answer questions, share resources and stay informed.
Washington Natural Learning Association (WNLA)
WNLA promotes networking and political awareness for home-educators throughout Washington. Questions, political discussion, and all issues relevant to the home-education from a natural learning perspective are main topics of this list.
Teaching Parents Association
Teaching Parents Association is a nonprofit association of members who, regardless of race, religious beliefs, or teaching styles, join together to support homeschooling parents, children and community members. They offer parent support meetings, field trips, park days, and clubs for children.
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